Friday, February 17, 2012


I had my first experience of seeing an Opera on Thursday night. It was Verdi's Rigelloto.The storyline of  Rigelloto the jester was super intense. For my first experience at an opera, what an impression it made on me. This specific opera was an edge seater!!!
Rigelloto is an opera  about a young duke who has multiple affairs with many women, and the royal jester mocks all of his relationships. But one day the jesters daughter was kidnapped and in one of these affairs with the duke. This drives the jester to an edge and wants  the dukes dead. So the jester hires an assasign to kill the duke, and on an acccident kills the daughter and sews her in a bag and as the jester drags the bag to throw in the river hears that the duke is talking and alive. He opens the bag and sees his daughter's body and she sings to him of how she will wait in  heaven with her mother for her father. This was a very touching opera. The voices of the 3 leads had such strength and power behind them. I am looking foward to my next Opera.

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