Sunday, October 16, 2011

Jon & Jaun's Wedding

On Friday night I got to see a different kind of play from a different point of view. I had the priviledge to see Jon & Jaun's wedding but I was not in the audience, it was as a server for the wedding. This was an interactive play about a gay marriage there are many different interactions with the audience who second as  guests at the wedding and different family conflicts throughout the night. This was something different then I had ever seen before, but I do recommend to go see it. It was a hilarious play with many knee slapping jokes. But I don't recommend to serve for it. This experience as a server taught me two lessons, one I don't ever want to wait on others its really hard work, I will stick with what I love, the theatre. And two I would so much rather be in the audience enjoying the show, than waiting on the audience and only able to catch glimpses of a great show!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Danster ~ sounds like a fun night and a great show. Thanks for the review, now I know more about this production!
